Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day.

This is my second Father's Day. Last year, Lilly was only about a month old and Matt was just over a year. We spent the day at my parent's house and it was pretty awesome.

This year was even better. Again, we spent the day at my parent's house. Most of it was in the pool. Neither of the big kids has any fear of water at all. Matt floated in a raft the whole time (Jeffrey pushed him around) and Lilly floated between Vanessa, my parents and I. Unfortunately, we didn't have the Lil Swimmer diapers, just regular crappy ones (poor quality, not filled with poop, just to be clear), and those things were SWOLLEN. Both kids ended up looking kind of like Howard the Duck from the movie of the same name.

When Matt finally got out of the pool (this took some time, and he was jumping back in like an Olympic diver), his diaper was so swollen that he looked like he had an ENORMOUS bubble butt. If pictures had done it any justice, I would post one. I might still any way.

Eventually, Lilly got tired of it and ended up swimming naked for a bit and then with her suit on. At one point, she was walking around the outside of the pool, and had been for a few minutes. And then she peed. All the while, Emily slept. I have a feeling that tonight I will be spending a lot of time with her. I'm OK with that.

Trying to explain how awesome this all is is incredibly difficult. I truly believe that you've never experienced love at it's fullest until you've had a child. That experience broadens your understanding of love. It brought my closer to Vanessa and overall, made me into a better person.

The simplicity of having a day with no responsibility (no chores, no meals to cook, NOTHING) and just having fun relaxing in the pool, splashing around with my wife and my big babies--it's really the most amazing experience ever. I feel bad for people that won't ever experience it. Parenting can be incredibly trying and beyond tiring, but a day like today makes every single headache worth it. There is nothing like ending the day totally sun-baked, chlorinated and exhausted. It is indescribably awesome.

So, yeah, today was totally awesome. Thanks for asking.

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