Friday, June 11, 2010

Children's Television.

When I was a kid, the shows that I watched included He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Thudnercats, and G.I. Joe: two shows about large dudes carrying swords and beating up bad guys, and another about a military force with laser guns beating the crap out of a terrorist organization. Sure, they shoe-horned morals in at the end. For instance, this one where Shipwreck convinces you not to run away:

But really, they were all about the ridiculous action where the good guys beat up the bad guys. End of story.

Today, things are different. For instance:

There is definitely part of me that's saying, "What in the hell is this?" And then, the Roots play a song, introduced by John Reis (of Rocket from the Crypt non-fame(my favorite band, unknown to most of the world)), or Andy Samberg or Elijah Wood teaches us a new dance. Or MARK FREAKING MOTHERSBAUGH (of Devo) draws a fish. Or a goat on a boat.

Or on this other show, Jack's Big Music Show, where Andrew Bird shows up and this happens:

So. I know that the shows I watched probably weren't targeted at me and that there are shows just as brainless today (Pokemon, Ben 10 and who knows what else), but the example above, plus things like Wonder Pets, Backyardigans and the like are fantastic. They're usually short, which is great for little kids and their short attention spans, have bright colors and teach a lesson. They encourage dancing, singing and creative thinking while also managing to be a positive influence.

I can get behind this. They're fun, they're entertaining, the kids love them and I enjoy them too. Best part? No commercials. They aren't trying to sell me anything! All of the shows that I grew up on are literally 30 minutes toy commercials with breaks put in for more toy commercials.

There's a certain amount of creativity and purity to these shows that is unparalleled. I can almost picture the creators of Yo Gabba Gabba sitting in a room and saying, "We really need to address the issue of kids biting each other. Through song." And they do, and it's awesome.

Whether it works or not is hard to say. But still. I'll take the head start, for sure.

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