Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Couple of Brief Lists.

Things I Love:
1.) Snuggling--there's nothing like a warm baby head cozying itself into your chest.
2.) Wrestling--babies like to wrestle and get physical and the laughter that they unleash is better than any high you get chemically.
3.)The Laughs--I know that I just mentioned them, but I thought it worth mentioning again.
4.) Sleeping--in their beds, the car, my arms, whatever, this is the most amazing thing in the world. Ever tear is forgotten, every headache, whatever, it's all washed away. If you ever want to see absolute peace, watch a baby sleep.
5.) The Smiles--especially in little, teeny, tiny babies. Em's smile is wonderful.

Things I Don't Love:
1.) Diapers--in general, I don't mind them. But at a certain point, every baby wants to fight having them changed. This leads to poop (never pee) on feet, hands, the floor and pretty much anywhere else you don't want it.
2.) The Inability to Speak--hearing as they get new words is pretty awesome. Waiting for those words is difficult. They can scream all they want, I still don't know what it means.
3.) The Fights--babies are hard headed. It just happens that way. They don't mean to be, but sometimes babies are full on assholes. Yep, I said it. This usually happens when they want thing A and you want thing B and there's no type of compromise. Negotiating with a infant? Impossible.

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