Monday, April 14, 2014

Time flies.

I really don't update this thing often enough. But there are a ton of things that I don't do often enough. Write. Tell people that I love them. Get 8 full hours of sleep. Eat salads whatever anyway you get it.

The lack of updates would make one assume that nothing is happening. This would be a very, very wrong assumption. Kids never rest.

And neither do Vanessa and I. We had another kid... Two years ago. So. Yeah. A little behind on updates. Whoops.

Anyway, Jack is two now, Matt just turned 6, Lilly will be 5 tomorrow and Em's gonna be 4 before I know it. Which means that we are just shy of having been parents for five full years (yes, those numbers are correct). And I still don't have my head wrapped around it at all. I love it, mostly, and they're amazing, except when they're not, which isn't often. 

Here's an example of Jack being amazing. It's bedtime. Baths have been taken, pajamas put on and a bedtime story read ("Theodore the Flying Mouse," a Little a Golden book that belonged to Vanessa). We're working on kissing the girls goodnight and tucking them in. While Vanessa finishes that, I go into the boys room and Jack is standing by his bed. He hands me a couple books to put into said bed and then says, "wrap me up." I ask him if he's ready and he says, "yeah," in his little, adorable voice.

So I wrap him up, he says, "baby," which means "Rock A-bye Baby," so I sing it, kiss him and put him in bed. And he's out before I put a blanket on him.

Here's why this is amazing: at two he has the presence of mind to know that he's tired and ready to go to sleep. I'm 31 and half the time I'm like, "I'm tired, I wonder what's on the internet now!" It's just an amazing little thing.

Here's another example. If you say "nap," he knows that means bedtime and he is not always game for that. So we would trick him by saying, "let's go change your diaper!" and then throwing him into his crib after that. Now any time you suggest a diaper change, he says, "I'm happy!" 

"Jack, do you have a poopy butt?"

"I'm happy!"

While it's not a correct response, it's hilarious. When you take him to change that inevitably poopy butt (this kid shits a lot), he just repeats, "I'm not tired," and, "no bed," until you put him down. Vanessa claims she's never heard the "I'm happy" business and that's too bad. It's great.

Anyway. This kid is two and he's smarter than a lot of the adults I know.