Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Small things.

Emmy's teething. Those things are SHARP. When she clamps down, it hurts--a lot. But it's really cute to with her try desperately to get things to her mouth.

The other night, Lilly was sitting on my lap, stroking my overgrown face stubble. My heart literally melted. Today, she was chillng in her diaper, watching Yo Gabba Gabba and saying "Hi" to all of the characters. Then, she was blowing kisses to strangers in Target.

Matt makes me laugh endlessly. He has a new habit of labeling everything as mommy, daddy and baby. He also refuses to wear any shoe without a "man" on it. He has some Transformers shoes and refused to wear the nice dress shoes we bought him for his school Crustmas party. He also loved the creepy gingerbread man that visited. It was cuh-reepy.

It has been an intense, amazing year. I can't wait for next year.